
Week 48

Wow! Week 48?? That just sounds so strange, like maybe its almost the end of year! How crazy to think 2014 is almost done.  Its been a pretty good week so far. I only worked 2 days this week, and took my 3rd working day off to go get some Xmas shopping done minus one weeny boy.  I'd have to call it a mostly successful trip too which is a relief.  And I've been baking a bit this week which is kinda nice. A yummy banana cake with lemon & coconut icing.  Hubby wasn't that keen, oh well, more for me! I also baked and painstakingly iced some gingerbread men.  I've learned a few things too. 

1.  Don't try making them more "healthy" by using wholemeal flour.
2.  Buy a decent gingerbread man cookie cutter. The one I used was rubbish. It just didn't cut the dough nicely so we had some really rough edges.
3.  Use a smaller nozzle on the icing piping bag. It was waaay too thick! Just edging the cookies meant there was barely enough room to stick on mini-smarties for eyes.  I ended up getting out the writing icing pen to draw on little smiles cos they started to look a bit like aliens! Ha!

Today we've had a combined birthday party for all the kiddies that were in my Mothers group/play group.  What a change from their 1st birthday party last year!  So good to catch up with them all and celebrate turning two!  Dylan had a great time running around the park with his little friends.  He really is a sweet boy and I certainly see some of my shyness in him when in a group.  After the sugar overload he crashed out in the car within minutes of leaving the park. 

A portrait of my son once a week every week in 2014
Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



  1. I see a lot more of you in him than just shyness … total mini me or what!??!!
    Where's the pics of the gingerbread men??

  2. Some people say he looks like me, then I've also been told he must be like hubby! I'm sure I had something to do with it! The gingerbread are not for public viewing!! Maybe the next batch will make it online. Xx


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